hita bylaws

  • Article I - Name

    The name of this association is Houston Interpreters and Translators Association (HITA). HITA is a membership corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas.

  • Article II - Purpose

    Section A – Aims

    The aims of the Association are:

    • To promote the continuing education and development of translators and interpreters;
    • To promote and publicize professional standards and practices;
    • To promote networking among translators and interpreters and cooperation with other associations; and
    • To promote awareness of the profession among the public in general.

    Section B – Means

    The Association will strive to meet these aims by such means as the following:

    • Holding periodic meetings, workshops and conferences;
    • Supporting programs of accreditation and certification;
    • Publishing and distributing information; and
    • Engaging in outreach activities.
  • Article III - Membership

    Section A – Basic Requirements

    Applications for membership are subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Payment of annual dues is required for membership.

    Section B – Classes and Qualifications

    The Association has four (4) membership classes: individual, corporate, institutional and student.

    • Individual:  An individual who is engaged in translating, interpreting or related work (and may include students)
    • Corporate:  A business with an interest in translation or interpretation.
    • Institutional:  An institution with an interest in translation and interpretation.
    • Student:  An individual enrolled in a degree- or certificate-granting program at an institution of higher learning, or at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A person can hold a Student membership for a period not to exceed two (2) years. Student profiles will not be visible to the visitors of the web site.

    Section C – Rights and Privileges

    Only individual members have the right to vote and the right to hold Association office. Individual members may vote five (5) days after their membership has taken effect. Other rights and privileges for each membership class will be determined by the Board of Directors.

    Section D – Dues

    1. The Board of Directors establishes the annual dues for all classes of membership.
    2. Dues for each year are payable to the Association by sending a check to the Association’s P.O. Box, or via HITA’s website. The applicant can enter his/her professional profile on HITA’s website section entitled: “Apply for membership.” The profile is activated by the Treasurer upon receipt of the dues. One year later dues should be paid for a new one year period.
    3. Membership is terminated if dues are not received within one month of the renewal due date. Individuals and organizations whose memberships have been terminated for nonpayment of dues must file new applications for membership in order to rejoin the Association.

    Section E – Expulsion

    1. A member may be expelled from the Association by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors for conduct unbecoming a member of the Association, such as:  (a) malfeasance in office as a Director or Officer of the Association; (b) falsification or misrepresentation in the application for membership or online profile in the Association; or (c) violation of professional ethics.
    2. Before the board votes to expel, it must notify the member in writing and provide the member an opportunity for a hearing before the Board.
    3. If the Board of Directors, after due consideration, votes unanimously to expel, the Board must notify the expelled member in writing.
    4. The expelled may reapply for membership three years after the date of expulsion.
  • Article IV - Board of Directors

    Section A – Number and Term

    The Association is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of four officers (president, vice president, treasurer and secretary) who form the Executive Committee, and other directors as may be indicated by the Executive Committee These officers and directors are elected by the membership for a two-year term. Officers may be reelected, but many not service more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office unless approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Association members.

    Section B – Election

    Officers are elected for a two-year term. Officers and directors serve overlapping two-year terms with approximately half the Board positions falling vacant one year and the other half falling vacant the following year. The term begins on the day of the first quarterly board meeting, following the election and ends on the day of the first quarterly board meeting two years later. Should two candidates tie for one position, a runoff election for that position will be held within 10 working days.

    The Board shall designate an Election Supervisor to conduct the elections for open board positions by mid-October of each year for the following year’s board members. The Election Supervisor will call for nominations until mid-November (30 days). The Election Supervisor will then announce the slate of candidates and their statements and will immediately send out the ballots (via e-mail or electronic voting) to all voting members in good standing. Voting will take place during the following 14 days (by November 30 or early December)

    The Election Supervisor will count the votes and announce results before the next General meeting in January of the following year.

    Section C – Duties

    The Board of Directors manages the Association’s affairs.

    Section D – Meetings and Quorum

    The Board of Directors meets at least quarterly. Four (4) members of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum. When consensus cannot be reached, a majority vote of those present is binding. No proxy voting is allowed. In the event of a tie, the President’s vote prevails.

    Section E – Vacancies

    If a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, the Board fills the vacancy on an interim basis by appointment until the next election.

    Section F – Removal

    Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed in one of two ways:  (1) by a majority vote of Association’s individual members in a referendum conducted by e-mail or electronic voting, or (2) by a two- thirds (2/3) majority vote of the other board members. Such a referendum may be initiated by a bare majority (more than 50%) of the Board or by a petition signed by at least 25% of the individual members of the Association.

    Section G – Compensation

    Members of the Board of Directors receive no salary or other compensation from the Association for their official duties. Duly authorized expenses will be reimburse.

  • Article V - Publications & Public Statements

    The Association is not responsible for any oral or written statements made by any of its members, unless those statements have been specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.

  • Article VI - Amendment of Bylaws

    These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the individual members of the Association voting in a referendum conducted by e-mail or electronic voting. Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by petition of 25% (twenty-five per cent) of the individual members of the Association. The complete text of the proposed change(s) and the affected section(s) of the current Bylaws will be sent to all voting members to agree or disagree with each change. At least 25% of members need to agree with each proposed change.

  • Article VII - Dissolution

    In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the Association will be turned over to the American Translators Association or to local (Houston) translator/interpreter educational programs in effect at that time, as the Board may decide

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